Everything I Never Wanted to Know About Holocaust Denial, I learned from Scaramucci Post.

The disgraced White House staffer’s nascent media endeavor makes its name by providing a platform for anti-Semites.

Christopher Keelty


If you can’t hear the dogwhistle yet, don’t worry… I’ll explain.

When ten-day White House employee Anthony Scaramucci launched the Scaramucci Post on October 2, the most common question was “What is it?” At the time, Scaramucci himself said he had no idea. So far, from what I can tell, the answer is “A megaphone for Holocaust denial.”

I’m not sure what I expected when I assailed Scaramucci and partner Lance Leifer for their October 20 poll, “How many Jews were killed during the Holocaust.” I certainly wasn’t expecting a crash course in Holocaust denial theories, but that’s exactly what I got.

This was Scaramucci Holocaust Poll v2.0. Version 1.0 appeared October 17, followed in short order by Twitter outrage and media scrutiny, a swift takedown, and an apology from Anthony “Zero Tolerance for Nazis” Scaramucci, who swore it would never happen again.

Scaramucci’s commitment lasted 1/3 as long as his White House job

Three days later, it happened again. First came a series of tweets explaining the reason for the poll and vowing not to back down to media pressure. Then, Leifer put it up again. I, like many others, called them out for minimizing tragedy, leaving the truth of an atrocity to popular vote, and presenting a tailor-made platform for Holocaust deniers.

For the next three days, those Holocaust deniers flooded my mentions.

A small sampling of my weekend on Twitter

I don’t know about you, but my education around the Holocaust focused on actual historical fact. I never wasted my time learning the assortment of ludicrous arguments put forward by Holocaust deniers. I didn’t realize, for example, that Holocaust deniers believe the swimming pool at Auschwitz death camp was for prisoners (in fact it was for Nazi officers, during their breaks from genocide)or that the gas chambers were only used for…



Christopher Keelty

Writer, cartoonist, and nonprofit pro. I have too many interests, but let’s focus on culture & politics. Bisexual, cis. He/him, please. | Twitter: @keeltyc.